- ↓ 1.68
- ꩜ 3.05
- ↑ 5.99
{C} → Wink Wink
Your opponent reveals their hand. You may discard a Supporter card you find there and use the effect of that card as the effect of this attack.
{Y}{C} → Magical Shot : 40
illus. 0313
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When this Pokémon sights its prey, it swirls its ribbonlike feelers as a distraction. A moment later, it pounces.
Richard Rich
I’ve had a lot of fun playing this card in PTCGO Expanded. It can be sooooo satisfying to reach into an opponent’s hand and steal a Supporter that they were waiting to use next turn. Are there any other cards that have the same effect as Wink Wink? Mimikyu (CEC 96) is close but for that card you discard your *own* Suppoter.
There are some identical examples:
Raticate (Arceus AR 29)
Liepard (Plasma Storm PLS 84)
Richard Rich
Warnock 2022
I thought EVS Milotic blocked these attacks, but I was mistaken. Dew Guard only blocks supporters.
Foon-Gus Fring
Also SS Sableye and LOT Smeargle, although they don’t let you DISCARD the Supporter card.