- ↓ 5.44
- ꩜ 6.61
- ↑ 10.10
Poké-POWER ⇢ Magma Switch
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move an Energy card attached to your Pokémon with Team Magma in its name to another of your Pokémon. This power can’t be used if Team Magma’s Claydol is affected by a Special Condition.
{P}{C}{C} → Dark Hand : 40+
If you have more cards in your hand than your opponent, this attack does 40 damage plus 20 more damage.
· Dual Type rule: This Pokémon is both {P}{D} type.
illus. Zu-Ka
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Why such high rating? This isn’t THE Claydol.
It’s pretty good in a Magma deck or with any Power that can only attach to the bench. Its Aqua counterpart is slightly better, Team Aqua’s Manectric
https://pkmncards.com/card/team-aquas-manectric-team-magma-vs-team-aqua-ma-4/ works in the same way and was used as a 1-1 line in the Blaziken Firestarter deck at Worlds that year.
It got such a high rating because there are too many bad cards in Pokémon TCG.
I think TM’s Claydol had more impact on competitive play than 85% of all the cards in the game.
Adam Capriola
Yeah I’m surprised how many bad cards there are too. I wouldn’t think this would get such a high rating, but the fact that it was a key card in the deck that swept Worlds in 2004 makes it better than 90% of the cards out there.
Exactly. Magma Claydol and Camerupt was the engine that powered up the Groudons at ’04. Those Japs really knew what they were playing.
Claydol TM? I’m afraid there’s no such thing.
Oh, whoops, lol. TM stands for Team Magma, not HS Triumphant.