- ↓ 5.75
- ꩜ 6.74
- ↑ 13.99
{C}{C} → Blow Through : 30+
If there is any Stadium card in play, this attack does 30 more damage.
{C}{C}{C} → Power Blast : 100
Flip a coin. If tails, discard an Energy attached to this Pokémon.
· Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
illus. Shizurow
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
There are no comments for this card and, yet, 14 of your seem to think it’s “Extremely Good/BROKEN”.
Seems to me like the weakness to Lighting is awful in today’s format (though by that same token its resistance to Fighting is always good). 60 for two energy (or a single DCE) is very good. The vanilla 100 is also very cheap. Perhaps that’s why everyone loves this card? Well, that an potential donks? Though I think that may be less common with 70+ HP Basics out.
This card is strong for a number of reasons:
-Colorless typing: This is big: it can be slotted into any deck.
-Resistance: It’s one of the best splashable Fighting counters.
-It can hit for 100 with very little drawback very easily from T2-onwards, and in some decks, on the first turn.
-Retreat cost: Free, with Skyarrow Bridge
-Donking: After the speculated rotation in the fall, this will likely become one of the best ways to put pressure on early. 60+ damage on the first turn is just too easy with Tornadus EX.
True, it’s no good in the Lightning matchup, but it’s a great card all around, and can easily find a place in any deck running DCE.
Wow! Very well said! I’ll have to add him to my ZekEel deck then! :D
Colorless splashing will always remind me of my first years in Pkmn when all my decks were two colorless plus Colorless. haha :p
Seems like things are easier to manage, and yet endlessly more complex for those of you working in the Modified format. I’m often impressed by the grand knowledge base of such players as yourself.
Good going! ^_^
Micah Tate
Everyone comments on the FA XD
ha yeah. I like the artwork on the normal arts better. FA are overrated IMO, b/c of their rarity, though some do look pretty sweet.
i really don’t like any of the new FAs EXcept (see what i did there?) reshiram EX and shaymin EX
hahahmm. Very nice. And yes FA Shaymin is BOSS.
I like Zekrom-EX Full, Gigas-EX Full, Darkrai-EX full, and Raikou-EX Full Art, just my opinions.