- ↓ 0.03
- ꩜ 0.15
- ↑ 2.00
Ability ⇢ Maximum Downer
If all your Pokémon in play are Fusion Strike Pokémon, your opponent’s Pokémon VMAX in play get -30 HP.
{L}{L}{C} → Head Bolt : 90
illus. nagimiso
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
It has an electrical organ on its chest. While generating electricity, it fills its surroundings with sounds like the strumming of a bass guitar.
Warnock 2022
Building off a similar comment over on ASR Kricketune, here’s a fun hypothetical matchup:
Let’s say you’re up against a Kyurem 𝙑𝙈𝘼𝙓, and it has already taken 300 damage. All your Pokemon are Fusion Strike except a Lumineon V. You use Volo to discard the Lumineon V, and **pow** Toxtricity’s ability activates! So now it KO’s the Kyurem :)
Warnock 2022
(pretty unlikely that you’d find yourself in this situation — most FS decks don’t include Toxtricity — but it would be a fun way to win a match