- ↓ 0.12
- ꩜ 0.19
- ↑ 1.99
This card can only be attached to Evolution Pokémon. If this card is attached to 1 of your Pokémon, discard it at the end of the turn.
This card provides {C}{C}{C} Energy only while it is attached to an Evolution Pokémon.
If this card is attached to anything other than an Evolution Pokémon, discard this card.
illus. n/a
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Warnock 2022
As far as I can tell, this card is exactly the same as Boost Energy, with the one difference that you may retreat with this card but couldn’t with Boost.
This card has an obvious combo with VIV Toucannon, which came out about a year later and in a different era of the TCG – though the two did see some play together. Using the search below, you can check out a number of cards which can take advantage of the card to fuel their attack, but it seems to me that none are able to work with it as gracefully as with the Loop Cannon attack.
Recommended search;
format:sum-on-standard-2019,upr-on-standard-2020,teu-on-standard-2021 -stage:basic text:”{c}{c}{c}”
(You may edit the format search as you see fit to browse its potential utility outside of its period of legality in Standard.)