- ↓ 0.48
- ꩜ 0.87
- ↑ 1.00
{C} → Focus Energy
During your next turn, base damage of Vigoroth’s Slash is attack is 90 instead of 40.
{C}{C}{C} → Slash : 40
illus. Ken Sugimori
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disaster card. Not only does this set lack Slaking, but it’s also a card that was released in English before its Japanese release (where it appeared in a preconstructed deck exclusively) and that Focus Energy text! “base damage of Vigoroth’s Slash is attack is 90”! For an English first card it needs to work on its grammar.
Don’t forget the stock Sugi art on a desert background for Sandstorm, despite Slakoth and Vigoroth never appearing in a desert environment in the games, and certainly not in RSE. :D