- ↓ 1.49
- ꩜ 1.94
- ↑ 3.84
Ability ⇢ Allergy Panic
Apply Weakness for each Pokémon (both yours and your opponent’s) as ×4 instead.
{G}{C}{C}{C} → Pollen Spray : 50
The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep and Poisoned.
illus. Shin Nagasawa
Formats: Modified: 2013, 2014 · Standard: 2015 · Expanded: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Current
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Its petals are the largest in the world. As it walks, it scatters extremely allergenic pollen.
Overhyped, underused.
The only time I’ve ever sleeved this card is as a 1-0-1 tech in Empoleon/Landorus along with Ditto (Ziggmiceter probably remembers that).
Honestly, there just aren’t enough cards in the format that could properly support this. This is a very “combo friendly” card that people are supposed to build around. And honestly, it WAS fun looking for cards that could sync up with it….but there just aren’t enough pokemon that call pull off 50 damage attacks fast enough with minimal color investment for Vileplume’s dreams to be a reality. I think that a card that begs players to exhaustively search through every legal card in the format should have some sort of payout. At the very least, they could have made allergy panic NOT symmetrical(I know, I know, vileplume is infamous for symmetrical effects, but…)
As a bit of supportive tech, I can see this working alongside, say, EXes and musketeers….but making a dedicated deck out of it is a “just for fun” idea. Aside from using it as tech in EX dominated decks, you have cards like Sawk BW(otherwise terrible terrible basic ) either Accelgor(otherwise mediocre stage 1s)the tao trio(good, but their CC attacks have TERRIBLE synergy with vileplume here),Magmortar DRX(mediocre stage 1), Shiny Rayquaza,meloetta(otherwise mediocre basic)…but the list kind of runs dry pretty quickly.
Perhaps when Gen 6 rotates in,we might actually see some basic glass cannons with 2 energy attacks deal 50 damage and 1 energy attacks that do 30-40. Vileplume might see action there.
Shaheen Jadali
does this override leaf tailor?
Leaf Taylor gives your Pokemon no weakness. If there aren’t weak to anything, they can’t apply weakness, thus they can’t apply their weakness as X4.
The real dilemma occurs when Lake Boundary (Mysterious Treasures MT 112) and Vileplume are played alongside one another. The only thing that could possibly resolve that would be timestamps, but that’s a concept that might go over 90% of the playerbase’s head.
The worst part is that there is no official ruling for that yet. I guarantee that someone somewhere has broken the game state with those two cards and had no idea what to do.
Jack Stensrud
Maybe it would average them out and make it 3x? That would be an interesting game.
Adam Capriola
It definitely would not average out. That’s not how rulings work, it’s either one or the other.
As Adam said, it won’t average out. But had that been the case, what if they benched a Lucario GL (Rising Rivals RR 8)? How exactly are you supposed to hit for x2.66 weakness?
Looks like we have the closest thing we will ever get to a definitive ruling on this thing right here, and even then the judge is hedging his bets.
The defending pokemon’s controller determines the outcome.
That makes way more sense than using play order. If there were ever an effect that put two conflicting effect into play at the same time, play order wouldn’t matter and another system would have to be used to determine what to do. Plus its consistent with other rulings that are already in place. Its up to the owner to determine which order that they’re checking for status conditions as is, and they happen at the same time also.
What the heck is this artwork lol
+Bob I Think that Vileplume is in a forest And that is a whole lot of sunshine shinning on top of Vileplume in the artwork.
definitely not shin nagasawa’s finest work lol… it’s kind of amusing how he rocked it with the grass arceus art a few years prior but this bombs :(
Warnock 2022
Great combo with Rapid Strike Kecleon….
This has pretty much not been possible outside the Expanded format, but the Standard format had that Kecleon card and Kabutops MEW legal at the same time. The Kecleon could use Spinning Attack, or Gravdrop from Rapid Strike Scroll of the Skies CRE.