- ↓ 0.20
- ꩜ 0.38
- ↑ 2.07
{C} → Speed Evolution
Search your deck for a card that evolves from Weedle and put it onto Weedle. (This counts as evolving Weedle.) Shuffle your deck afterward.
{G} → Sting : 10
illus. Kyoko Umemoto
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Its poison stinger is very powerful. Its bright-colored body is intended to warn off its enemies.
What a highly useful Colorless attack! With this your 40 HP Weedle with be a Kakuna at the end of Turn 1 allowing for a Turn 2 Beedrill. :)
Of course, none of this explains why it’s lazying about upon what appears to be a cloud or puffy ball of cotton…
Hamfood Lufan
Read his attack again. It says it counts as evolving him, so it is still turn 3.
…No? It counts as evolving him, but he has been evolved on the turn that he comes out(bypassing the rule that pokemon cannot be evolved on the turn they are played.)
T1: weedle. Attach energy . Evolve.
T2: Attach Beedrill to Kakuna