- ↓ 0.08
- ꩜ 0.22
- ↑ 1.27
{F}{C}{C} → Water Pulse : 60
Your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Asleep.
{F}{C}{C}{C} → Landslip : 100×
Discard the top 3 cards of your deck. This attack does 100 damage for each Energy card you discarded in this way.
illus. Masakazu Fukuda
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A glutton that devours anything that moves, it quietly lurks at the bottom of swamps, lying in wait for prey.
Hi guys. I’m trying to do something with this Pokémon; i’m using it with Kiawe and Mallow, 20 energy (4 Fighting and 16 Fire) and some support trainers. But, i want to improve my deck. Anyone have some advice?
Why Kiawe?
Also, I’d have to recommend just not building the deck. It’s an incredible energy commitment for a fragile stage 1 that has inconsistent damage. You are better off playing something like Dusk Mane Necrozma that is bulkier, more consistent, and less random, while still having the same OHKO potential.
I’m playing in PTCGO.
And Kiawe is for fast charging.
Elias Sant'Ana
You like playing with unusual cards, don’t you? :P
Kiawe will slow you down most of the time, and it will drain more energy from your deck than you need, which lowers the chance of hitting for 300. You should use something like Magnezone, since the cost is colorless (though making room for it in a deck like this is easier said than done…).
You will be easily knocked out, you could try wishful baton, just play one at a time so that your opponent wastes their field blowers before you run out of them.
Solgaleo/Lunala PS may also work, since they could potentially put 6 energy in play in a single turn.
If you are playing Expanded, you could try Mew EX and Dimension Valley. That makes it possible to pay the cost with [F] and a DCE. And Recycle could allow you to guarantee that 3rd energy on the top of your deck.
Unlimited: Pokemon Center NXD + Delcatty PL. Sounds like a gimmicky deck and it is, but has potential.